Dell has introduced new services it hopes will boost businesses’ use of mobile technology.

The enterprise mobility application and Dell’s new mobility services workshop are aimed at businesses and users respectively.

The application aim to help enterprises design a mobility strategy, develop and manage custom applications, which will improve its productivity according to the company.

Mobility services workshop can also be used by the customers to evaluate the environment and design plans to address the business’s mobility needs.

Dell Services executive director for applications and business process outsourcing, Raman Sapra, said defining a mobility strategy is a major need for their customers.

"Dell has a unique ability to cover the entire mobile lifecycle, from providing the devices to offering the range of application services to help customers oversee their own mobile solutions or to manage it for them," Sapra added.

Services offered by the Dell’s applications include mobility services workshop, consulting, mobile application development and testing, application management and mobile device, user experience, maintenance, support and deployment.