Data Access Worldwide, a provider of application development software and professional services, has launched Visual DataFlex 2010/16.0, the new version of its application development framework for building business software offerings for Windows and Web platforms.

The new Visual DataFlex 2010/16.0 delivers new features and enhancements, including new data aware and non-data aware grids that provide developers with better looking Windows applications, new grid features, and improved performance.

The company said that the new Visual DataFlex 2010/16.0 includes the AJAX Library 2.2 for Visual DataFlex, and the latest Codejock Xtreme ReportControl (13.4.0).

It consists Visual DataFlex Studio and its application framework, class library and rich set of pre-programmed, data-aware controls and components, the design and implementation of Windows and Web applications.

In addition, with Visual DataFlex Web Application Server user can Web-enable existing Windows offerings and can create new Web applications.

The company said that the Visual DataFlex Windows and Web applications share a common technical and operating foundation, which enables developers to reuse portions of Windows applications to create new, browser-based offerings.

Further, the Visual DataFlex Web Application Server integrates with the Windows application environment, and builds Rich Internet Applications (RIA) with the AJAX Library for Visual DataFlex.