Daegis, a provider of eDiscovery services and technology, has released DocHunter 6.0, its online review platform that enables law firms, corporate legal departments and government entities to process, host, search, review and produce documents for legal matters.

DocHunter offers advanced functionality in the areas of early case assessment, data analytics, review and production.

The company said that its new version expands Daegis’ Matter Lifecycle Management process with improved processing speed, efficiency, quality control and reporting. Specifically:

DocHunter 6.0 helps users quickly analsze their data, target relevant information and reduce the volume of review data while producing higher responsiveness rates by working with the eDiscovery Analytics Consultants (eDACs).

The new version provides many options for analysing and culling data from traditional methods such as file type, date restriction and full text/metadata searching to file categorisation and email domain data groupings.

Daegis executive vice president and COO Kurt Jensen said that the DocHunter 6.0 is the technology engine that powers Daegis’ Matter Lifecycle Management approach, delivering a sustainable and repeatable process that results in sizeable cost savings and efficiencies at every point along the EDRM.