The US online retail sector delivered strong growth on Cyber Monday 2011 compared to the same period last year, according to cloud-based analytics findings by IBM.

Cyber Monday 2011 online consumer spending increased by 33% over 2010, with consumers pushing the average order value up from $193.24 to $198.26, an increase of 2.6%.

Most consumers flocked online at 11:05am PST/2:05pm EST. Consumer shopping also continued to maintain strong momentum after commuting hours on both the east and west coast, the company stated.

Around 10.8% of people used a mobile device to visit a retailer’s site, up from 3.9% in 2010. Also, mobile sales grew dramatically, reaching 6.6% on Cyber Monday 2001 as against 2.3% last year.

IBM Smarter Commerce Chief Strategy Officer John Squire said Cyber Monday was yet again the big winner for the Thanksgiving holiday shopping season, with a record number of consumers focussing on finding the best online deals. According to him, "Retailers that adopted a smarter approach to commerce, one that allowed them to swiftly adjust to the shifting shopping habits of their customers, whether in-store, online or via their mobile device, were able to fully benefit from this day and the entire holiday weekend."