CSC has unveiled a new cloud offering CloudProtection for Mail and Web, which offers enterprise network protection for clients’ e-mail and Web systems.

The company claimed that is new offering thwarts Web and e-mail-borne threats before they reach the enterprise, at lower operational costs than on-premise alternatives. It is backed by Service Level Agreements in the industry, including rates for known and unknown e-mail virus capture, spam capture, e-mail delivery and service uptime.

CSC CloudProtection is offered in a pay-per-use model via CSC Gateway, the e-commerce portal for purchasing cloud services and hosting. The new offering in CSC’s growing portfolio of Trusted Cloud Services, is the latest development to come out of the global strategic partnership between CSC and Symantec.

Siki Giunta, vice president of cloud computing and software services at CSC, said: "On-premise solutions with big appetites for IT resources and human capital are very complex and costly. Today, more businesses want economical solutions from a service provider they can trust. We are certain that CSC CloudProtection will earn their trust and confidence."