The eDisclosure Information Project, Exterro, Field Fisher Waterhouse, IntApp, Legal Technology Insider and Recommind have launched a new website to provide enterprises in the UK and continental Europe with better understanding of the risks associated with electronic information and how to guard against them.

The site covers topics including eDisclosure, compliance, cloud computing, insider fraud, information barriers and confidentiality management.

In addition, the new site will also include content such as news, blogs, whitepapers and Q&As, on all topics related to the impact of information overload on enterprises.

Simon Price, European director for Recommind, said: “It’s encouraging that UK businesses are starting to pay more attention to eDisclosure and the other risks associated with electronic information, but there’s still a long way to go before this becomes a top priority.

“With, we have launched a multi-vendor effort to give organisations the resources and knowledge they need to convert information from a threat to an asset.”

With electronically stored information (ESI) continuing to grow, email still making up the bulk of this volume, social networking, instant messaging and Web 2.0 tools account for an increasingly large percentage, raising the need for businesses to maintain tight control over their information, the group said.

Chris Dale of the e-Disclosure Information Project, said: “Increasingly businesses are being required to produce information from a variety of sources other than email as part of a regulatory investigation or eDisclosure request.

“While most firms have tools in place to store email-based information, finding key messages and other relevant data can be a lengthy and expensive process as it often means searching through large amounts of information that has not been properly organised or maintained. ” provides organisations with advice on the latest investigations and how they can take control of their own information reserves.