comScore, an Internet marketing research company, has introduced its syndicated mobile measurement service, comScore MobiLens, in Japan.

The new mobile measurement service offers insights into consumers’ mobile behaviors, user demographics and device capabilities, to provide a picture of mobile market.

comScore said that in June 2010, around 60 million mobile users in Japan accessed browser on their mobile device, equating to 59.3% of the entire mobile audience, while about 42.6 million users accessed a mobile application (42.3%).

In addition, around half of mobile users in Japan (54%) accessed email on their mobile device, with about one-third accessing weather information (34.1%) and search (33%).

The company said that other mobile behaviors also include taking photos (63%), sending text messages (40.1%), watching TV and/or video (22%), playing games (16.3%) and listening to music (12.5%).

comScore Japan vice president Daizo Nishitani said that the new MobiLens provides publishers, advertisers and device manufacturers with actionable insights into consumers’ mobile device attributes and consumer behaviors.