Benefit Informatics (BI) has said that these services will allow CNIC Health to enhance the current reporting package and provide clients and broker partners access to health plan data. CNIC is utilizing the Connect service to allow clients and brokers to electronically access analysis functions and report output.

According to BI, in using data analysis and reporting from the company, CNIC staff can proactively monitor health plan utilization, trends and plan performance to help clients make informed decisions and control costs. The web-based service provides an array of standard and ad-hoc analysis capabilities for each plan administered by CNIC.

The Connect service, a secure electronic report and document distribution component of data analysis and reporting, gives each CNIC employer group customer and affiliated broker/consultants access to analysis functions as well as report and document output, added BI.

Angela Moore, COO of CNIC, said: We evaluated a number of companies and came to the conclusion that Benefit Informatics offers us and our clients and broker partners the best solution for plan analysis and reporting.