Percona and Severalnines are expanding their partnership to include MongoDB.

Percona, which provides database software-to-services, will be partnering with Severalnines to offer ClusterControl for Percona Server for MongoDB.

The idea behind this is that subscribers to Percona Support for MongoDB will be able to access the deployment, monitoring, management and scaling solutions that are available from Severalnines.

This should lead to organisations being able to deploy, monitor, manage and scale a NoSQL database infrastructure, the companies say.

ClusterControl for Percona Server for MongoDB will support both on-premise and Amazon Web Services deployments, so that users will have flexibility in their deployments.

This can also be used to manage and monitor any existing MongoDB servers and uses a single pane of glass to be used for all MySQL servers, in addition to MongoDB’s.

The underlying purpose of all of this is to create both a simple and affordable path to the deployment, managing, monitoring and scaling of a NoSQL database, the companies claim.

According to Severalnines, it is the only vendor that can track and manage both MySQL and MongoDB clustering in one dashboard.

The need for this kind of technology comes from an increase in mobile, social and cloud use that has led to organisations needing to manage several data formats.