Under the agreement, Clickability will provide content management and hosting for Lifetime Connection, a secure extranet site dedicated to providing cable companies with up-to-the-minute information and marketing materials about Lifetime, Lifetime Movie Network, far and away the two women’s channels, and Lifetime Real Women programs.

Gwynne McConkey, senior vice president of operations, information systems and technology at Lifetime Networks, said: Communication with our cable partners is an essential part of our business. We decided to stop making ongoing investments in an out-of-date and home-grown content management system . Moving to the Clickability platform will give us the opportunity to constantly improve and enhance our site going forward.

John Girard, CEO of Clickability, said: This is an exciting opportunity to expand our roster of broadcast customers. Lifetime is the leader in women’s television and one of the top-rated basic cable television networks. We’re very excited to welcome them on board. Our platform will put an end to their CMS dramas and enable them to focus on making engaging and relevant television programs.