Networking offerings provider Cisco has agreed to acquire San Francisco-based Versly, which integrates collaboration capabilities via a plug-in into Microsoft Office applications.

The transaction will allow Cisco partners to provide enhanced collaboration around content in documents, spreadsheets, presentations and email to customers.

Versly’s software will be integrated into a variety of Cisco’s collaboration offerings including Cisco Quad, Jabber and WebEx.

Users will be able to receive automatic notifications within Cisco Quad when the content of a document has changed, escalate from simply reviewing a document to an instant messaging session through Cisco Jabber, or initiate a web conferencing session from a presentation through Cisco WebEx.

Cisco Collaboration Software Group vice president and general manager Murali Sitaram said the acquisition improves user experience by integrating social technologies within the business applications individuals and teams use at work.

"Furthermore, the integration with Versly will drive productivity improvements for organizations and their knowledge workers, many of whom are among the 600 million Microsoft Office users," Sitaram said.

Once the acquisition is complete, Versly employees will be integrated into Cisco CSG.