Chinese hackers have restarted attacks on the US after a three-month break, according to computer industry security experts and American officials.

The Chinese army’s Unit 61398 was the main source of many cyber-attacks carried on American firms and federal agencies in February this year.

The New York Times reported that Unit 61398 has renewed attacks on US firms.

Earlier this month, a report from the US Department of Defense (US DOD) claimed that the Chinese government and military organisations have targeted US government computers to exfiltrate information.

China criticised the US DOD report and said the US is the real hacking empire.

Earlier this year, a report revealed that the US government is exploring various options in order face China more aggressively over cyberspying.

American security firm, Mandiant, said a secret military unit in Shanghai is linked to an attack on some American companies’ websites.

China denied the claims by Mandiant and said it has also been a major victim of cyber attacks, most of which are from the US.

Last month, the US and China have agreed to work together on cyber security after accusing each other of hacking and Internet theft.