Plymouth University has undergone a major telecoms upgrade that enables it to offer students one of the fastest Internet connections of all UK higher education institutions.

CAE Technology Services spent the summer break overhauling the wired and wireless networks in more than 1,700 student rooms, and other communal areas across the city centre campus.

It means students arriving in University-managed halls this September have instantly been able to access superfast networks through their desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile devices.

The work is part of a rolling investment programme by the University, and forms part of its commitment to provide students with an unrivalled student experience.

During the summer break CAE implemented over 400 Meraki Access Points, 12.5km of next generation cable and set up the Management Console to deliver the Wi-Fi service to the Halls of Residence. Thus giving students full access to the University’s suite of online resources on all their devices. It will also enable families and friends to access the internet anywhere on campus during visits.

One of the most exciting and innovative aspects of the project has been the launch of The Wireless Champions. As part of CAE’s commitment to enhancing student employability, selected students have become the first point of contact and provide out of hours help if required.

Adrian Hollister, head of strategy and architecture in Plymouth University’s Technology and Information Services Directorate, said: "Through outstanding project and relationship management, CAE delivered Wi-Fi and Wired networking to all of our campus based Halls of Residence.

"They did this within four weeks and without fuss or over complication. They worked at all times as a technology partner and never lost focus on the real customer: our students."

Justin Harling, MD at CAE, added: "It is a pleasure to work with such an innovative and forward looking customer who is able to experience the full benefits of what the team at CAE can deliver. When such pioneering technology is wrapped into an inventive service the solution delivers extraordinary benefits that extend well beyond the fundamental purpose of the infrastructure."