CA Technologies has added new features and functionality to its Access Control that help customers address critical needs of Privileged Identity Management.

The new features centrally controls, monitors, and audits privileged users and provides temporary privilege access across servers, applications and devices from a single management console.

The company said that it leverages on distributed systems like UNIX/Linux and Windows, and now further extends it expertise into the Privileged Identity Management market.

The new features within Access Control include privileged user password management for application-to-application and application-to-database automated operations; privileged user session recording and playback; and PUPM automatic login and advanced integration.

The company said its Access Control with PUPM capability automates end-user login to any of its PUPM-managed device helping to prevent password theft.

The advanced, integration of traditional Access Control capabilities with PUPM functionality also provides the ability to track and log a privileged user’s activity based on his or her ‘original’ user ID and help control what the privileged user is able to do once in the system.

CA Technologies security senior director Nimrod Vax said the 2010 Data Breach Investigations Report conducted by the Verizon RISK team and US Secret Service suggests that the misuse of privileged administrator credentials is the single largest cause of insider data breaches.

"This new release extends the capabilities CA Access Control offers to help further secure the use of privileged accounts within applications, and address the growing security and compliance needs for privileged user monitoring," Vax said.