CA Technologies, has unveiled "Day One" support for IBM’s next generation z/OS V1.12 across its extensive line of mainframe management software solutions, delivering timely support for new releases of IBM System z hardware and operating systems.

CA Mainframe Software Manager (CA MSM), a CA Technologies’ offering on its Mainframe 2.0 strategy, can ease the upgrade process and accelerate time-to-benefit as customers move to the new z/OS operating system.

CA Technologies is now readying CA Mainframe Chorus to support all z/OS hardware platforms and operating systems.

CA Technologies Mainframe Customer Solutions Unit general manager Dayton Semerjian said that same-day support for IBM’s z/OS release reflects the their continued commitment to helping customers leverage CA Technologies and IBM’s major investments in software and hardware innovation.

Meanwhile, CA actively participated in IBM’s Early Support Program for z/OS V1.12 by installing it in its own data center, helping to optimise "Day One" support for customers.

IBM System z vice president Karl Freund said CA’s same-day support for IBM’s new zEnterprise server and the latest release of z/OS 1.12 will further benefit their mutual customers.