The trend of BYOD is prompting businesses to centralise their security management, rather than trusting users with confidential or sensitive corporate data, it is claimed.

Companies will focus more on device encryption and remote data wiping techniques over the next two years as workers take their own devices into work, according to an Oracle-commissioned survey of 414 senior IT execs including CIOs and CTOs.

A total of 93% said they were concerned over data loss as mobile working grows, while 84% said sales and marketing as well as customers had the most influence over mobile application development, followed 82% citing IT.

While the survey found that 29% of IT development time is devoted to front-end mobile app design, 71% of their time is spent on bolstering mobile app security, as well as integration with other tools.

Meanwhile, 35% of mid- to large-sized businesses update their app portfolio each month, while 34% do so each quarter. Four in five respondents predicted that to rise over the next two years.

"This survey is reassuring in that enterprises see potential for great payoff from making a strong mobile commitment," said Suhas Uliyar, VP of mobile strategy for Oracle.

"They are recognising that mobile applications provide a new way to develop and maintain relationships with customers."