Pixelsilk has unveiled Search Advice, a new tool which integrates search engine optimisation (SEO) expertise from the Bruce Clay SEOToolSet into Pixelsilk. The new feature will be announced during the Search Engine Strategies (SES) San Jose 2009 conference.

According to Pixelsilk, the SEOToolSet integration provides search engine optimisation (SEO) advice and monitoring real-time, while users edit content within a Pixelsilk web site. With an SEOToolSet subscription, keywords can be assigned to specific pages, and recommendations will be delivered straight on the page while editing.

Pixelsilk said that the new Search Advice tool is designed to give SEO advice to the editor at the time of content creation or modification on a real-time basis. The new tool allows the company’s clients to incorporate SEO into everything on their web site and prepares the on-page content for spidering by Google, Yahoo! and Bing.

The company also said that the new tool is designed to update the recommendations as the editor makes changes to content. Moreover, if the content edits fall outside of the recommendations, on-screen alerts and follow-up e-mails may be utilised to notify authors, marketers, SEOs, and compliance managers of the changes.

Bruce Clay, president of Bruce Clay, said: “The real problem that SEO has had is that it is always bolted on after somebody has written the content in a CMS. The Pixelsilk-SEOToolSet integration provides a way to correct SEO issues at the point of content creation, and to have it be done by the original author. That will revolutionise SEO.”