BroadVision has launched Clearvale, an Enterprise Social Network (ESN) product, at the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Annual Conference & Exposition.

The company expects Clearvale to be an easy-to-use and free ESN product on the ‘cloud’. The company said that its new offering has ‘5C’ value propositions which include company, community, collaboration, culture and commerce.

The new offering is designed for corporate use and is cited as a Web 2.0 application from the ground up. It also incorporates security and privacy features so that management could maintain control as the network expands to include employees, partners, suppliers and other members.

Various types of workgroups across all enterprise functions can be set up on an E2E, B2E, or B2B basis to share different user-generated contents across the Clearvale world.

According to the company, intuitive business processes, both structured and ad-hoc, are integrated with Clearvale to allow enterprise-level collaboration among members of every company network and its communities. Collaboration spaces, consisting of shared calendars, documents, plans, meetings, forums, blogs, microblogs, Twitter-type messages and the likes can also be handled by the users.

It reportedly helps organisations establish a corporate culture for a diverse workforce through a virtual workplace – the cyber-water cooler – where everyone can congregate.

Clearvale is claimed to allow precision commerce too. Upon reaching a critical mass, it will launch a ‘precision commerce’ network for marketing and opt-in lead generation. Member companies can connect with each other based on mutually beneficial business relationships within which buy-sell requirements can be registered and appraised.

The personalised premium services include private labelling; removal of online paid advertising; and network sponsorship. The workgroup premium services include DocuVault, which ensures collaborative document management by providing file versioning, history tracking, categorisation, and user-level access controls. The TeamWork service ensures collaborative management-by-objectives (MBO) across the board. The infrastructure premium services offer extra storage and servers on public/private cloud, the company said.