A group of internet hackers, which calls itself Anonymous Brasil, continued its relentless attacks which began earlier last week by taking down the websites of the Citigroup and Citibank.

The group, which is targeting financial institutions, issued a warning message to them, saying Anonymous Brasil does not forget you. Your turn will come.

The hackers said through the Twitter posts that their attacks were only meant to fight corruption in Brazil and that they were not interested in thefts.

Apart from Citigroup, both in Brazil and in the US, the group had also targeted the websites of four major banks in Brazil, including Banco BMG, Banco Bradesco, Banco Panamericano, HSBC Holdings, Itau Unibanco Banco Multiplo and the Brazilian banking federation Febraban.

The bank that was targeted before Citi was the state-run bank Banco de Brasil, which, however, denied attacks on its site. It said its website had slowed down due to peaks in the volume of traffic to the site.

The attacks have not targeted customer accounts in the banks though there was instability, leading to delays.