Blue Archer, a web design and internet marketing firm, has upgraded its locally developed AccuCMS to include a suite of search engine optimised offerings. The new version of content management system features a new e-commerce module to improve the search engine positioning of static product pages.

According to Blue Archer, each product can exist as a static page as opposed to a dynamic page, allowing for product pages to be indexed individually by search engines. Customisable meta-fields allow for specific descriptions and titles to be utilised for each product. In addition, an XML sitemap is provided for each e-commerce website design to ensure that search engines index the site efficiently.

Similar to the search engine optimisation for e-commerce, additional AccuCMS modules have been upgraded to help improve search engine positioning. For event registration and image gallery modules, individual event and photo pages will also be static with unique titles and headers to improve search engine indexing, the company said.

Al Polanec, co-principal of Blue Archer, said: In its most basic form, search engine optimisation involves researching keywords and prominently displaying these keywords on your website. Our newest version of AccuCMS takes these basic principles and applies them to an e-commerce website design, providing clients with an opportunity to optimise each of their individual products.