BlackBerry is reportedly working on a new feature dubbed ‘Intelligent Assistant’ in a bid to take on similar services offered by Microsoft, Apple and Google.

The latest test-build of BlackBerry 10 platform revealed that the new feature would be incorporated in the BlackBerry 10 platform in addition to improvements to the user interface (UI), according to TechnoBuffalo.

The struggling smartphone maker reportedly considered exiting from the smartphone market if it continues to lose in mobile business, however, its CEO John Chen rejected the reports.

Microsoft, which recently introduced its own artificial intelligence technology-based virtual assistants, claims it can answer users’ "why" queries, while Yahoo snapped up Incredible Labs, the creator of personal-assistant application Donna.

In addition, Google Now, the search major’s own Android voice assistant, is claimed to pre-empt user queries as per information gathered about user.

However, all the voice assistants would benefit from extra attention in the wake of the iconic AI operating system Samantha that featured in Spike Jonze’s film Her.