Bigger businesses are currently more advanced in investing in management solutions for digital content, according to analysis from Kable.
Companies with revenues exceeding $1 billion considerably outstripped the average, with 75.6 percent currently having email archiving solutions in place and 61.2 percent considering investment in the next two years.
This compared to 66.6 percent of respondents in organisations with up to $1 billion in revenue and 57.6 percent considering investment in the next two years.
While 74.2 percent of higher revenue businesses used web content management solutions and 63.6 percent were considering investment in the next two years, amongst other businesses these figures fell to 65.1 percent and 56.5 percent respectively.
The same trend was more pronounced still in digital asset management solutions. 74.2 percent of businesses with over $1 billion in revenue had these solutions in place compared to 61.9 percent of other businesses.
The biggest disparity was seen in enterprise search, with 69.4 percent of billion dollar businesses having these solutions in place compared to 56.4 percent of other businesses.
"Just as in the Internet world, employees want answers to questions, "who are the sales reps in Iowa?", in addition to finding basic answers provided by first-generation enterprise search," commented a recent white paper by search company Varonis.
These figures suggest that in general, the higher-revenue businesses are more comfortable investing in technology, perhaps due to a difference in investment goals and priorities.
All figures come from Kable’s ICT Customer Insight survey, which polled 2685 respondents, from across the world in Q4 2014. The survey findings include data on hardware budget allocation, telecommunications budget allocation and software budget allocation. Subscribe to Kable here.