Increasing bandwith is a major challenge in moving to hyperscale environments, a survey of US and European IT professionals has found.

Conducted by network connectors Emulex, the study found that just over half of respondents have adopted hyperscale networking environments, but increased bandwith demand for front-end applications driven by BYOD and mobility.

Mid-tier big data analytics and content distribution, along with back-end transaction processing and storage management, are also driving bandwith demand through the roof. This shift has driven 77% of the 1,623 respondents to upgrade their networks to at least 40Gb ethernet.

Shaun Walsh, SVP marketing at Emulex, said: "The move to hyperscale is entering a second phase from the cloud providers to managed service providers (MSPs) and enterprises.

“Beyond the concept of hyperscale models, we see very specific technologies being implemented such as OpenStack, SDN and NFV. Each of these changes has performance, operational expenditure and team skill implications for application, networking and storage infrastructure."

Other interesting findings from the Emulex survey are that 31% of respodents are investing in private cloud, citing that they are cautious about moving data to the public cloud. Furthermore, almost a third of the respondents are taking a ‘wait and see’ approach to storing data in the cloud.