Asus has rolled out an update for Transformer Prime tablet users in the UK, from the existing Android 3.2 to Android 4.0

Asus will also fix the bug associated with video playback, which is said to cause horizontal stripes and signal noise.

Asus has also removed the metallic material from the device’s GPS, as users are reported to have been hit by varying signal strength on its GPS radio meant to receive signals from satellites in order to triangulate position.

Company sources said on Facebook that the"ICS 4.0 FOTA update for Transformer Prime TF201 from today (UK) will help resolve these issues.

The letter asks a forum of customers to understand there are some limitations when using the GPS function.

It is said it is not the first time the choice of materials for designing Transformer Prime has caused concerns for connectivity.

It was also speculated that the Wi-Fi range of the device did not meet the standards.

The update for Eee Pad Transformer will also follow soon, according to company sources.