The primary goal of the Health Resources and Services Administration-wide (HRSA-wide) web content transformation strategy project is to develop and deploy a content strategy across the HRSA enterprise web that will bring top-level pages into a workable information architecture and taxonomy that markets and brands important HRSA programs and establishes as the gateway to information and resources on health care access, said Aquilent.

The implemented strategy will work within HRSA’s selected enterprise web content management system and be compliant with government web requirements and standards as well as HRSA-specific web requirements and standards. Additionally, Aquilent is working to establish an infrastructure that is necessary and conducive to extend the transformation to all HRSA web pages across the administration, added Aquilent.

David Fout, president and CEO of Aquilent, said: In order for HRSA to continue to improve access to health care services, it is critical that they have the ability to communicate with their constituents. Their enterprise web platform is a way to do that and the development of a strategic, long term content management strategy, will ensure they achieve their goals, not just today, but in the years to come.