AppDynamics, an application performance management (APM) company, has released AppDynamics version 2.0 for the cloud, virtual and SOA environments.

The company claims that the new version delivers application mapping to discover application tiers and back-end services, and the Transaction Flow Monitoring provides visibility into how each transaction performs in the distributed environment, enabling IT operations to be precise in troubleshooting application problems.

In addition, the diagnostics capabilities enable root cause analysis with no more than 2 % overhead, while the policy engine and dynamic baselines provide detection accuracy, AppDynamics said.

The company claims that the new version allows users to provision application resources and enables companies to eliminate the need to over-provision to account for peak loads. It also helps to trigger policy-driven workflows and includes dynamic baselines and performance pattern analysis, which detect performance problems and capture diagnostic sessions to speed root cause analysis.

Steve Roop, vice president of marketing at AppDynamics, said: While legacy APM tools continue to be inefficient and ill-equipped for production environments, application support professionals are still tasked with finding root cause problems fast. With the release of AppDynamics v2.0, IT operations and developers now have a powerful partner to support them in their efforts to maintain application health and performance.

The new version ships with a cloud connector to Amazon EC2 and a set or pre-defined workflow templates to automate application provisioning and configuration.