IncuBus Ventures hacking event, Appathon UK, is now available to university students. The aim is to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship in youth through app ideation and development.

Jointly launched by the Founders4Schools and Silicon Valley, the new hacking event forms part of the Create! Campaign, which assists students in linking science, technology, engineering and maths skills with developing future IT businesses.

As part of the event, school students need to come up with an app that may transform their lives for the better and submit their idea to the pubic voting platform.

University students will come up with their own ideas and develop the favourite app ideas into functioning prototypes.

IncuBus Ventures founders Rishi Chowdhury told ComputerWeekly: "We met with Founders4Schools a few months ago and realised we’re all on the same mission – they told us about the Appathon UK and that was exactly up our street.

"We host several hackathons on the bus and opened the doors for a few weekends for university students to hack for the Appathon UK."

During the event, some app developments include Paint with Friends and Quick Coffee, in addition to a school messaging network and a Green Feed app.