US Security software vendor Apani has released new EpiGuard suite, a range of network security hardware appliances to provide segmentation and encryption across a corporate network.

EpiGuard appliances function with Apani’s EpiForce security software suite to protect a network environment, regardless of operating system, platform, or application.

EpiForce is a software-agent based overlay, a hardware appliance offering, or a mixture of both that operates at the network level, provides a transparent security layer to secure data in motion and protect data at rest between any two devices within the network perimeter.

The new range of appliances include EpiCenter Administration Server; EpiGuard Work Group; EpiGuard Data Center I; and EpiGuard Data Center II.

EpiCenter Administration Server allows users to implement the centrally managed network security where EpiGuard Work Group is a smaller unit for client systems, point-of-sale (POS) devices, network printers and scanners, industrial equipment and other remote devices.

EpiGuard Data Center I is a rack mounted system for server and data processing equipment, edge-of-responsibility gateway protection, workstations and legacy server applications, while EpiGuard Data Center II is a rack mounted system for protecting enterprise server and data processing equipment.

Elements that can be protected by EpiGuard include mission-critical servers requiring network security protection; gateway routing equipment; third-party managed or third-party owned servers; point-of-sale (POS) devices; printers and scanners and legacy server systems.

Apani European operations director Allen Wise said securing the data centre without impinging on the most critical devices within it, has been one of the biggest challenges facing the corporate network manager in recent years.

"Now EpiGuard lets us control access to these vital resources and set policies remotely, all without compromising on security or affecting legacy equipment," said Wise.