Android co- founder and head of Google’s nascent robotics effort Andy Rubin is leaving the company to start an incubator for startups that are interested in building technology hardware products.

Google Research scientist James Kuffner will be taking Rubin’s place as the head of Google’s robotics effort.

Rubin helped Google make Android one of the strongest operating system after the search giant acquired Android in 2005.

In 2013, Rubin stepped down from Android division to lead the company’s robotics division, and the Android division was handed over to Sundar Pichai.

The Wall Street Journal reported a source familiar with the matter said that Rubin was facing constraints on his activities in Google, which could have triggered the move.

However, Rubin denied the reports claiming that he faced no constraints saying: "Larry enabled the robotic effort to run exactly the way I wanted it to, and we made great progress in our first year."

Google CEO Larry Page said: "I want to wish Andy all the best with what’s next.

"With Android he created something truly remarkable — with a billion-plus happy users. Thank you."