Adobe has unveiled Flash Player 10.1 to mobile platform partners with new performance and mobile specific features to enable mobile users to experience various sites with rich applications and content inside the browser.

The Flash Player 10.1 will be available as a final production release for smart phones and tablets once users are able to upgrade to Android 2.2 ‘Froyo.’

Adobe also released Flash Player 10.1 to other mobile platform partners to be supported on devices based on Android, BlackBerry, webOS, future versions of Windows Phone, LiMo, MeeGo and Symbian OS.

According to Adobe, the Flash Player 10.1 offers new interaction methods with support for mobile-specific input models. Support for accelerometer allows users to view Flash content in landscape and portrait mode, while Smart Zooming allows users to scale content to full screen mode delivering enhanced application-like experiences from a web page.

The company said that the new Smart Rendering feature ensures that Flash content is running only when it becomes visible on the screen, reducing CPU and battery consumption, while the Sleep Mode automatically slows down Flash Player when the device transitions into screen saver mode.

In addition, the new version features advanced out-of-memory management that allows the player to handle non-optimised content that consumes excessive resources, while automatic memory reduction decreases content usage of RAM by up to 50%, the company claims.

The devices supporting ‘Froyo’ and Flash Player 10.1 are expected to include, Dell Streak, Google Nexus One, HTC Evo, HTC Desire, HTC Incredible, DROID by Motorola, Motorola Milestone, Samsung Galaxy S and others.

David Wadhwani, general manager and vice president for Platform Business at Adobe, said: "We are thrilled that more than three million Flash designers and developers are now able to unleash their creativity on the world of smart phones, tablets, netbooks, televisions and other consumer electronics.

"The combined power of the leading rich media technology platform with millions of passionate creatives is sure to impact the world in ways we haven’t even imagined yet."