In a corresponding project, 7-Eleven has also selected Bit9 Parity, an enterprise application whitelisting software for Windows lockdown, to lockdown and harden its corporate laptops. 7-Eleven is in the midst of a laptop refresh project with Dell, in which the company is standardizing the hardware and software on laptops used by store support and office personnel, said Bit9.

7-Eleven will use Bit9 Parity to control the applications allowed to run on the corporate laptops to reduce help desk calls and costs associated with configuration drift that arise when users intentionally or inadvertently download unauthorized software.

The Bit9 solution helps IT professionals identify and decide which applications and devices are approved and appropriate to run in their environment, while blocking any unauthorized software or storage devices. This approach eliminates the risks associated with all forms of unwanted software, including targeted attacks for which no signatures exist.

Tom Murphy, chief strategy officer at Bit9, said: 7-Eleven is now able to more easily and efficiently maintain a more standard and secure in-store systems environment. Bit9 Parity gives 7-Eleven the protection, compliance and control they need over their retail IT operations.