Three out of five smartphone users in the UK have watched broadcast or cable network content such as video and entertainment on their phone, according to a new survey.

Mojiva’s latest survey revealed that about 60% of UK smartphone users had installed at least four or more entertainment apps on their phones, excluding games.

More than one-quarter of respondents installed more than seven entertainment apps, which explains that more time is being spent on mobile entertainment content.

Another two out of five reported spending an hour or more with mobile video content per week, while three out of 10 had viewed less than 30 minutes of the content per week.

However, the report notes that the UK consumers were less interested in ads that go along with video.

Nearly 36% of smartphone users skipped pre-roll mobile video ads, while the remainder viewed as a minimum of some of such ads, with 30% watching such mobile video ads completely.

About half of mobile video viewers had remembered brands or products advertised in mobile video pre-roll ads, the report added.