Antivirus solutions specialist Bitdefender has discoverd an influs of new spam to UK email accounts offering fake vouchers, personal loans and Easter treats packed with fraudulent links.

Here are five simple steps to makie sure you don’t become a victim this Easter.

– Don’t click on shipping notifications from e-mail addresses you are unfamiliar with; they may be phishing scams or contain malware, especially if they come with attachments.

– Avoid donating your "likes" and money on social networks such as Facebook, where scammers promote fake charitable causes.

– Avoid requests for charitable contributions via e-mail, too, as they may be phishing scams. It’s better to donate to an organisation that you trust.

– Don’t open electronic greeting cards, as they may contain Trojans or other malware.

– Install an antivirus solution and keep it updated. It will protect you from spam, phishing, malware, 0-day attacks and other e-threats.