UK Chancellor George Osborne announced the creation of a National Cyber Centre in 2016, with the goal of offering cyber-related support and advice to industry.

The creation of the centre sees the UK position itself to be more offensive in the face of cyber security threats.

This won’t be the only security centre in the world with other major centres in existence that are helping to battle against a growing number cyber threats.

CBR lists some of the major cyber security centres around the world.

1. National Cyber Security and Communications Integration Centre

Created in March 2008, the centre is an office within the Department of Homeland Security.

It is tasked with protecting the U.S. Government’s communication networks and works to monitor, collect and share information on systems that belong to the NSA, FBI, DoD (Department of Defence) and DHS.

It states that its mission is to ensure shared situational awareness and to orchestrate synchronised response efforts.

Like others it doesn’t work alone, it relies upon collaboration between agencies and private companies.

2. The Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre

The Oxford University centre works on delivering effective cyber security both within the UK and internationally.

It shares knowledge with governments, communities and organisations and is funded by the UK Government.

The centre has produced large volumes of research into numerous areas of cyber security, including looking at the human aspects of cyber security and continuous user authentication and behavioural biometrics, which includes investigating the use of eye movements for behavioural biometrics.

3. Australian Cyber Security Centre

Like the National Cyber Security centre in the U.S, this is government backed. Its aim is to bring together security capabilities from across the government into one location, providing a hub for the public sector and private to share information and collaborate.

Founded in 2014, it has produced reports on major threats, acting as a practical guide to those needing to know more about possible dangers.

4. Microsoft

The company has a number of cyber security satellite centres around the world, including a recently opened one in Singapore, following on from centres in Beijing and Tokyo.

In addition to this, the company has opened a Cyber Defence Operations Centre in Washington.

This will serve as the company’s ‘war room’ for dealing with cyber threats. Opened on the 9th of November, it maintains direct lines of communications with engineers, data analysts and outside partners and governments.

The idea is that the centre will have everything that the company needs to deal with an attack.

5. Interpol Global Complex for Innovation

The centre which was opened in Singapore in 2014, is focused on developing effective ways to combat next-generation cyber threats.

It offers a forensic laboratory and Cyber Fusion Centre, which coordinates the efforts of law enforcement, industry and academia when identifying and combating threats.

In addition to this it borrows expertise from firms such as Kaspersky Labs and Trend Micro which provide hardware, software, threat intelligence and run the digital forensics lab.