Toronto, Canada-based SoftQuad Inc is integrating its Panorama Pro Standardised Generalized Mark-up Language viewer with Mountain View, California-based Verity Inc’s Topic Client and Topic CD-based publishing and text retrieval products. Verity’s Topic Client acts as a smart filter to internal and Internet content, with agents set up to monitor incoming data from other sources and perform simultaneous searches. Topic CD uses Web browsers to search compact disks as well as the Web and provide text indexing of CD-ROMs and Web servers. The two companies will bundle Verity’s topic search engine with future generations of Panorama Pro and HotMetal Pro. HotMetal Pro is a HyperText Mark- up Language publishing tool with pre-built templates, keyboard macros, a spell checker, and a Boolean search and replace tool. Panorama Pro with Topic Search and HotMetal Pro with Topic Search will be available in the third quarter. Meantime, Luxembourg- based Europe Online SA and Sausalito, California-based McKinley Group have licensed Verity’s Topic search engine for their multi- lingual, multimedia on-line service and Magellan on-line Internet directory. Europe Online will integrate Verity’s search engine with its own service in the second quarter.