Acer Group Inc, Taipei, Taiwan reports worldwide ne profits of $32.2m for the first quarter of 1994, a profit increase of more than $30m over first quarter 1993. The group achieved worldwide sales of $630m for the quarter, representing a 71% increase on the figure reported for the first quarter of 1993. The most ambitious and internationally well-established of the Taiwanese computer manufacturers, it says its results were driven by a 98% increase in the revenues of Acer’s personal computer, notebook and server business during the quarter. Acer chairman and chief executive Stan Shih said: We have been able to gain market share due to our competitive personal computer and peripheral products and we continue to enjoy profitability from the joint-venture Texas Instruments-Acer semiconductor plant. Worldwide, Acer shipped over 1.2m desktop and notebook computers in 1993; it says it looks to ship more than 2m each of keyboards, monitors and personal computers this year.