As Google makes a big play into the messaging arena with Duo, Snapchat is quietly entering into search. Snapchat is set to buy Vurb, a mobile search app, for $110 million according to initial reports from The Information.

According to reports, Snapchat is also set to offer $75 million in retention bonuses in order to keep Vurb founder and CEO Bobby Lo.

Also described as a recommendation app, Vurb provides focused mobile search by connecting community recommendation and useful services. With partners like Yelp and Rotten Tomatoes among the Vurb ranks, the service offers a high-level of personalisation based on what’s trending, user interests, weather and location.

Search results are displayed in the form of a Vurb card, which then allows people to access reviews, book tickets, make reservations direct from the card.

The details of the deal remain under wraps, in addition to Snapchat’s intentions for the mobile search app. The messaging giant may use the technology to help users make plans with friends, or offer users more insights and personalisation based on their own interests and location.