For the 6 months ended 31 January 2001


Merger with TI completed with no disruption to business performance

Merger-related savings now expected to yield GBP80m by July 2003

Automotive demerger to LCE holders and Smiths to receive;

GBP625m in cash

GBP315m in preference shares

19.9% of the equity in the new, independent company

Integration of combined businesses proceeding quickly

Consolidation into single HQ nearing completion

Strong double-digit growth in sales and operating profits

Conversion of profits into cash continues at a high level

Interim dividend increased by 8%

Commenting on the results, Keith Butler-Wheelhouse, Chief Executive said:

This first set of results since the merger shows we are on track to gain the benefits of lower overheads and improved profitability for the enlarged company. We now have a mechanism to secure value from Automotive, and meanwhile it has made a useful contribution in the period. Operating profits in the four mainstream activities improved 17%, and their current outlook is positive.