Smith Corona Corp, based in New Canaan, Connecticut has unveiled its new product line which includes six personal word processors with 3.5 disk drives, five with MS-DOS File Format Compatibility, and five electronic portable typewriters with text and word processing features: there is an 8000LT laptop weighing 7 lbs and the PWP 5300LR system with a built-in laser-resolution printer; the PWP 4300 has a built-in daisywheel printer, and the portable PWP 3200, PWP 2200 and PWP 1200 all enable users to store, edit and print documents with Smith Corona’s built-in word processing software; each has 3.5 disk drives and MS-DOS File Format Compatibility with WordPerfect and ASCII File Translators, also, there is an optional Fax Send/Receive Modem Card and the graphical user Interface provides WYSIWIG facilities; the five electronic portables range between $230 to $430, and the rest start at $500 and go up to $900.