A new sleep-tracking device called Sense, developed by a young British entrepreneur, has taken Kickstarter’s crowdfunding platform by storm by raising $1.2m in its first week.

James Proud launched Sense on July 23 on Kickstarter with a target of raising $100,000 within 30 days, but it reached its target within four days, and is further predicted to raise more than $4m.

Sense includes an orb with a sensor, which listens for loud noise and monitors air and light quality. It also has a speaker to play white noise or an alarm in the morning, which can be stopped by just waving a hand over the orb, creating a ‘magic wizard’ moment.

The second sensor dubbed ‘sleep pill’ is clipped on to the pillow and contains a six-axis accelerometer and gyroscope to monitor movement in the bed. It communicates with the orb through Bluetooth Low Energy and ANT.

The system is controlled by an app that will show readings over time so a user can work out what temperature is best for them to sleep.

It also gives a sleep score that takes into account all the factors of a good night’s rest. For example, it can detect small particles like pollen that can disrupt sleep for people with allergies.

The two sensors can be used at the same time, allowing a couple to monitor their sleep independently. Best part is it will even tell which of them is snoring to keep the other awake!

Proud says that users are not required to clip on wearable gadgets or keep their phone in a certain place for the device to work.

Sense is due to be released in November and can be ordered in advance for $129, reports BBC.

Sense is just one among the growing number of sleep-focused products. Apple’s iPhone offers apps such as Sleep Cycle, Sleepbot and Sleepmaster while Android and Windows Phone users can track their sleep using sensors built into the handsets.

There are also specialist hardware devices such as Aura from the French firm Withings, and a $8,000 "snore-stopping" bed.