Skyscape says that for a small monthly fee user can receive the text alerts and customize them via ‘specialty interest groups’. The service also has full email integration, allowing subscribers to have medical articles sent to an email address by replying to the text message.

Sandeep Shah, president and CEO of Skyscape commented, With virtually every healthcare professional owning a cell phone, this offers a quick way to receive relevant medical content vital to their medical specialty.

Skyscape offers evidence-based medical support tools for handheld devices, drawing from over 300 resources and close to 50 drug information resources. MedAlert subscribers can receive information on specialty interest groups including cardiology, emergency medicine, neurology, and general surgery.

MedAlert is available to subscribers in the US via cellular service providers such as Verizon Wireless, Cingular, Sprint/Nextel, Alltel and T Mobile for a monthly subscription of $1.99 per month plus standard message rates.

Usage of text messaging in the US is growing, and currently reaches approximately 35% of all cellular users, according to M:Metrics, a mobile market measurement company. By offering MedAlert to its large base of medical professionals, Skyscape anticipates that number will steadily increase.