Additionally, SKY has agreed to purchase a high-speed link on the Global Crossing network that will enable voice and corporate data transmission between SKY’s office in Rio de Janeiro and a sales office in Miami.
According to the agreement, SKY will utilize one of Global Crossing’s DS3 private lines (45 Mb/s) for the transmission of up to six channels of digital content. Using digital compression, the content will be transmitted to SKY’s satellite and will then be re-transmitted to the subscriber’s antennas. The ATM link for SKY’s corporate data transmission will be managed by Global Crossing and is expected to be operational by the end of the year.
According to the agreement, SKY will utilize one of Global Crossing’s DS3 private lines (45 Mb/s) for the transmission of up to six channels of digital content. Using digital compression, the content will be transmitted to SKY’s satellite and will then be re-transmitted to the subscriber’s antennas. The ATM link for SKY’s corporate data transmission will be managed by Global Crossing and is expected to be operational by the end of the year.
In addition to offering immediate access to an unprecedented amount of bandwidth on a global basis, Global Crossing has built an Extranet to serve film production, broadcast and digital asset management needs, featuring services and applications that will enable the industry to create, distribute, manage and store digital content. Customers are able to plug into a global infrastructure with rich capacity, redundancy and one of the highest levels of security. The company completed its core global network in June, linking the top markets in Latin America and the Caribbean with more than 200 major cities in Europe, North America, and Asia.
We are diversifying our product portfolio to offer customers in different market segments with the most advanced and reliable broadband services available anywhere in the world, stated Pablo Mlikota, vice president of corporate markets, Global Crossing, Latin America and the Caribbean. We are pleased to provide SKY with connectivity in these three important markets for the company in Latin America.
Luis Carlos Correia, vice president and managing director of Global Crossing, Brazil added, We are well-positioned to serve the needs of international customers because of the extensive reach of our global network and the benefits of our full suite of broadband services.
Global Crossing provides broadband services aimed at the media and entertainment industry throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. Among some of its top global media and entertainment clients are DirecTV, Fujitsu, CNBC Europe and Yahoo. The company also offers a portfolio of services for other sectors including the financial community, government, carriers and multi-national corporations.
With Global Crossing becoming our new national and international broadband services provider, our company will be able to meet the needs for more security and reliability, said Ailton Rogato, telecommunications manager for SKY.