Sixnet, a provider of machine-to-machine (M2M) networking offerings for industrial and commercial markets, has unveiled new IndustrialPro Wireless Gateways and Routers.

The company claims that the new gateways and routers provide secure wireless connectivity to remote locations and assets, and can be used as secure, primary WAN connections or as backup to landline connections. The new rugged wireless products provide cellular connectivity for remote devices.

Sixnet said that the IndustrialPro Wireless Gateway provides 3G or 2G cellular connectivity, one ethernet port, one serial port and support for either AC or DC power. The wireless router offers 3G or 2G cellular connectivity, one or five ethernet ports, one serial port, and support for either AC or DC power.

In addition, the new router offers full firewall and routing functionality, supporting IPSec or SSL VPN, Port Forwarding and support for Network Address Translation (NAT), OSPF and RIP. It also offers a local web-based management interface.

Both products are managed by SixView Manager, which allows customers to update firmware and make field changes to gateways or routers without having to deploy resources to remote locations or manage individual units, the company said.

Hilton Nicholson, CEO at Sixnet, said: Our industrial gateways and routers bring cellular connectivity to remote locations and the harshest environments. Cellular continues to be a cost-effective, easy-to-use alternative to WAN technologies, and with our compact form factor and powerful management platform, Sixnet makes it easier to deploy, monitor and manage devices regardless of location.