New server based capabilities have been introduced to the latest version of Simware Inc’s Salvo, its enterprise Web application development software product. Salvo 3.5 will enable users to combine information from various data sources into Web-centric applications, and the inclusion of rapid application programming tools and what the company calls an incremental development framework, should speed up the process of creating business applications, says the company. Simware, an Ottawa, Ontario-based company, has been providing software to mainframe users for the past 30 years, and believes that Salvo 3.5 is an answer to the long term problem of getting easy access to mainframe information. The new version of Salvo will support Microsoft Corp’s Jscript clone of Javascript along with VBScript and IBM Corp’s REXX language, providing developers with a choice of tools. Parallel processing has been introduced, so that applications containing data can be processed synchronously and asynchronously, while security is tight with the application using the Microsoft Internet Information Server. Salvo 3.5, which runs on both Intel and Digital Equipment Corp Alpha-based servers using Windows NT, is available now and has a starting price of $11,600 for 25 concurrent user licenses.