Silicon Graphics Inc is using Dublin, Ireland-based Iona Technologies Ltd’s Orbix object request broker to tie its systems together and has now decided to resell the broker and create bundled applications for it. The bundled Irix release of Orbix is due this quarter. In the meantime, Iona’s Orbix+ObjectStore integration with the Object Design Inc object database is now shipping. It’s now doing the same for the Versant Object Technology Corp Versant object database. Iona says it will distribute DNS Technologies Inc’s Corba 2-compliant SmalltalkBroker to provide interoperability between Smalltalk objects and C++ and Java objects. Objective Interface Systems Inc, based somewhere in Virginia, is developing an Ada implementation of Orbix. And ORBstreams.h++ is a C++ class library based on Rogue Wave Software Inc’s C++ development system that enables Orbix developers to pass C++ objects across a Corba interface. Previously they had to describe C++ objects in Corba Interface Definition Language before communicating with Corba objects. ORBstreams.h++ works with Rogue Wave’s system and user- defined C++ objects.