Silicon Graphics Inc yesterday launched its long-promised R8000-based multiprocessor system as the Power Onyx. It comes with from two to 12 of the Toshiba Corp-fabricated RISCs, and it is claimed to deliver 3.6 GFLOPS peak, making it what the company claims is the three-dimensional graphical imaging system. It costs from $88,000 to $703,000 and ships next month. There is also a triple keyboard option which will enable three users with individual keyboards and monitors to share one Onyx system for an additional $6,500. The company also launched the Indy Presenter flat panel display, enabling a user to carry a complete workstation in a shoulder bag. The 12 active matrix liquid crystal display is out now at $14,000 and can be used for direct viewing or for overhead projection. It is designed for use with the company’s Indy workstation line, and when used with a projector would enable presentations of three-dimensional graphics with audio to be made to large gatherings, the company claims.