Silicon Graphics Inc yesterday launched the Power Indigo2 workstation, claiming it to be the first desktop system to deliver Extreme Computing by combining the world’s fastest compute performance and the industry’s fastest desktop graphics in a high-performance system architecture. The company also replaced the processors in the existing Indigo2 systems to raise the clock speed by 33% at the same price as before. Power Indigo2 systems will be available this quarter at from $46,000. The Indigo2 R4400/200 workstations are available immediately, with prices starting at $24,500. Upgrades to the R4400/200 microprocessor are available for current Indigo2 system users. Systems with the 133MHz R4600 processor are also available immediately, with prices starting at $21,500. The company also added a 200MHz version of its Onyx graphics supercomputer, replacing the 150MHz model and is offering 100MHz versions of the Challenge L and XL systems. The 200MHz Onyx system costs from $103,800 to $763,000 and the new Challenge symmetric multiprocessing systems cost from $88,800 and $138,000, respectively; all are ready now.