According to the company, new functionality in JT2Go helps users to work with digital models created in the JT format, the product lifecycle management (PLM) industry’s lightweight 3D data format for product visualization, collaboration and CAD interoperability.

The company claims that the new release of JT2Go contains several additional features that were previously only available through a purchased license of the visualization component of Siemens PLM Software’s Teamcenter digital lifecycle management software. These features provide a variety of benefits to the end user.

The features of new version include, viewing product manufacturing information directly off the digital model, such as dimensions, tolerances and other manufacturing data, improves communication to the shop floor and enhances quality assurance. New sophisticated measurement tools make accurate dimensional information readily available to the end user. The ability to cross section JT models provides users with a better understanding of design details.

Bruce Feldt, vice president of open tools at Siemens PLM Software, said: The JT data format is the common 3D language of PLM, with broad adoption across the industry that is fueled by the JT Open Program whose members continue to expand the value of JT throughout their extended enterprises. The significantly increased functionality added to our no-cost JT2Go viewer, facilitates continued growth and value expansion of JT while reinforcing Siemens PLM Software’s open business model.