Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG will be giving its MIPS Technologies Inc R-series RISC-based RM server line a Peripheral Component Interconnect bus makeover in January. The Champion Series replaces some of the existing EISA-only models in the line. Specifically Siemens Nixdorf is introducing a new RM300 C ‘compact’ server which will supersede the existing RM400 models 430 and 420 mid-range servers and the 225 minitower. Aimed at the high end personal computer server base, the RM300 C line comes in three models, the 200MHz R4400-based C62 and C60 with two and one processors respectively and the C20 with the 133MHz R4600. The RM300 C models come fitted with two PCI and two EISA and 512Mb RAM each. Siemens Nixdorf says its 33MHz, 132Mbps PCI input-output system provides three times the throughput of its EISA subsystem. RM300 prices start at $39,000. Siemens Nixdorf is fitting three PCI/EISA models – C72, C70 and C60 – into its existing 200MHz R4400-based RM400 departmental server line with up to four CPUs. They replace the existing 730, 630 and 530 models. Prices start at $116,000. At the low end, Siemens Nixdorf will offer a PCI-enabled version of its 133MHz R4600-based RM200 desktop uniprocessor as the model C20 at $9,00. The new RM300 and 400 models support RAID subsystems, hot-swapping and dual cluster configurations. The RM 400s support Oracle Parallel Server. All models run Siemens Nixdorf’s Sinix Unix and Windows NT. At the high end, Siemens Nixdorf will introduce the PCI/SCI interconnect work from Norwegian company Dolphin Interconnect Solutions A/S in its high-end RM600 server range in the second quarter.