A shortage of telecommunications skills is threatening UK industry’s international competitiveness, according to a report by PA Consulting Group Ltd. Employment, Pay and Benefits Trends in Telecommunications 1989 examined eight types of job, from telecomms engineer to directors of communications, in manufacturing companies, service providers and end user firms. It found that the telecommunications skills shortage was most accute in network planning and network control positions, whereas vacancies for managerial posts and installation work were filled relatively easily. Finance companies had the highest pay levels, manufacturers the lowest. One third of companies in the survey had a policy of preferential treatment for telecommunications and data processing staff, providing company cars and health insurance earlier, and more overtime. In the survey, 80% of companies linked salary to individual achievement, and over half gave time off for day release training courses. The survey adds that the skills shortage is already causing problems for companies, with salaries frequently below employees’ actual contribution to efficiency and severe overtime pressures. The report suggests organisations should do more to develop internal career development schemes to keep staff.